Built To Sell

Good point.

I am fairly certain I read 3x revenue so $300k to $1 million feels right.

Also vision, goal, philosophy, values, and what ever sets you apart from other cleaning companies.
You could even call it your “secret sauce”
It doesn’t even have to be a secret, just the combination of Brodi’s touch, your imprint on a team, clients and equipment, that when combined you get Squid’s.

Just curious if anybody in our industry has sold their business?

Lots have

In my area pressure washing and cleaning businesses start and fail all the time…most don’t last a year… so at any given time you can always buy a complete business or just equipment…:grin: I get alot of good cheap equipment that way !!!

Where can i find this manual?

He’s talking about putting together his own manual on exactly how his business is ran in case he ever decides to sell. He’s not talking about a manual that has been published or one that he’s going to publish. I imagine the day to day, book keeping, etc would be completely different from one company to another.

@squidskc, wondering if/how your goals have shifted at all. Still looking to grow and sell eventually? Or just maintain it as a really nice revenue stream with low stress/overhead, that pays a full time salary with part time input?


Done the military, private sector - small corp and international corp, and this business has been a blessing, wish I started 30 years ago :expressionless:

Though I’d probably be as cranky as Irritable Bowel Syndrome lol


@squidskc i am curious to see how your plan is going? Have you hit your growth goals?