Ball valve and pressure gauge placement?

Clowns abound. At least he isn’t awesomewash, or at least I hope not.

If you say his name two more times he’ll definitely come back. Tread lightly!

Crap…I’ve been asking questions here all this time. I could have saved all that effort by just getting a gauge and asking it?

As for adding words, I have some too:
I think most of you guys know when there’s pressure loss, and only check the gauge to confirm it. I can see using it for setting up or testing perhaps (there’s one on the pegboard at the workbench). As far as safety, isn’t the relief valve there for a reason? And I’m betting the hose is going long before anything else explodes (pressure-wise anyway, combustion in the engine could be a different item altogether).

I don’t come down on the @Innocentbystander side of them being a bad thing (beyond it being one more potentially leaky connection to maintain), but don’t really see any real need either.


I’ve spent the last hour with service pro/home advisor/Angie’s trying to get them to get their phone number off my business info. It’s like explaining gauges and ball valves to trolls.

LOL, of all the people on here to reply to about ball valves, this is funny.

He has had a long dislike of people on the forum talking about ball valves. He has his reasoning and I can’t argue against it. I still use one on my SC, someday it will disappear.

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I’m going to call that number, see what they charge. :grinning:

I called and said I wanted my house washed
20 minutes later a guy called to set up a date. I felt bad for him. It cost him $40 for the lead. I Venmo him the money and he’s coming by the shop to get some pointers


Your editing is only making it more nonsensical lol

I would never suggest they be permanently mounted. They are much too delicate for that duty. I only use them when dialing in new unloaders. We most all know our nozzles restrict the flow and dictate the pressure but you’d want to see where the spike pressure is for many reasons

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This is where your unloader comes in and if that fails it then falls on the pressure relief valve you should have installed on the pump manifold. You have to remember everytime you slam the valve body in the trigger gun off pressure skyrockets! Albeit for a millisecond you have measures in place that prevent a bad situation. The gauge would be used to maximize flow until you reach an unsafe threshold (spike). I believe @Innocentbystander allows the unloader to bypass a trickle loosing flow while allowing MORE than enough room for a safety margin. His method setting up unloaders is the absolute safest for noobs!

@Innocentbystander This is the one you want on your desk. In their 5k psi variety

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Holy schnikes! $1,500 for a pressure gauge??? This thing better make dinner a couple nights a week for that price lol



U.S. Gauge is one of the world’s leading suppliers of high quality, COMPETITIVELY priced pressure gauges, diaphragm seals, temperature gauges and thermowell fittings

Who are they competing with? Gucci? Balenciaga???

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You don’t know how funny that was lol

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I try :grin: