BACK ORDERED Remote downstream controller (The Schertz Box)

I send you an invoice that can be paid by credit or debit. I do not know an approximate date. I hope within 2 weeks I can have some free time.

How much are they?

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$375 for the single way valve and $425 for the 3 way.

3 way sends water to the injector when you turn the soap off with the remote. 2 way just stops the soap.


I definitely want to buy one so let me know when you have a better idea of a time frame.

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Did you have a different setup before?

Itā€™s something I threw together. Basically a valve hanging on the wall inline on the ds draw line. Nothing fancy but it worked. I lost gpm due to not drawing water when off. I never flushed so the valve went bad in 4 months. I never replaced it because I wanted the extra flow for rinsing.

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Iā€™m on day 3 with mine, but Iā€™ve got it set up to pull water when soap is off. I couldnā€™t be happier. I flush the soap valve with water after every job so Iā€™m hoping I can get a year out of it, but if not itā€™ll be worth it to swap every 4 months.

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@SchertzServicesLLC sounds like a great product you built!

Canā€™t wait to hear some more reviewsā€¦

You should look into opening an online store, word travels quick in this industry


What valves did you use?

I could pretty easily add a tab to my website for it. But right now I want to make sure itā€™s perfect before I large scale anything. I think itā€™s perfect but Iā€™m biased.

The next batch I build I will likely build a couple extra of each setup. Then I can ship right away.

The biggest problem has been a 3/4 inch mpt to 1/4 barb 90 degree. Itā€™s a 90Ā¢ part but everywhere I have found them are back ordered.

Last order of them I put in was for 40 so I have tons of spares.

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Iā€™m sure youā€™ll get your moneys worth. Theyā€™re solid valves from my experience abusing them.

Threaten them with pics of your cat, youā€™ll probably get 80 units. (Big chief no hair, of the no meow,meow tribe)

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The 3/4ā€ one is only $37. Iā€™m tempted to try it on my inlet hose to cut off flow instead of the Hudson valves which I have awful luck with.

Oh and if anyone knows how to remote start the gx690ā€™s and can show me the wiring thatā€™d be awesome. Lol


I bet a really cheap remote car starter could do the trick

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Just out of curiosity. Whatā€™s the purpose of remote starting the engine?

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Just to be fancy.


plus one

I can scoot my truck up without a driver is that fancy???
Still need to see about that truck mounted microwave tho

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Have you tried directly from the manufacturer?