Advice on how I should clean this stone entrance

I will hopefully be down in Cancun (just north of the city) in September… I’ll let you know for sure as the time gets closer, but if you wanted to have stuff sent to my place in the states, I would be willing to bring it down when I visit.

Good job, definitely a tough one for your first vert job.

Just an FYI, an injector won’t typically draw over 1% and really won’t do much at all against stuff like that. It’s mainly for siding on houses and post treating driveways.

I figured as much. So far most of my jobs have been driveways and sidewalks, so the injector will work out great for post treatment. My 50th bday is at the end of the month. My mom that lives in Miami is still contemplating coming down to celebrate with me. If she does I plan to have her bring me an x jet, which would work great for jobs like this. If that doesn’t pan out will have continue to use the backpack fumigator when I need hotter stuff until I am able to get a “mule” to bring me down the x jet. Thankfully I do offer custom tours so might get a client mule the x jet for me, if not Anton plans to come visit in September, so might use him as an x jet mule.

I do offer custom private tours, and hopefully I will have an x jet before that, but sure there might be more toys I would like to get between now and september.

On a different note, since I do offer custom private tours, I would be happy to offer you a great deal, and in exchange we can spend much of the drive time talking pressure washing tips that would help me out.