5.5 vs 8 gpm is it really more efficient?

That’s not the way it works. I literally never run out of water, even with lower flow spigots. You’re not really on the gun as much as you think, having to move hoses around and such.

Depends what you call efficient, some wash the same wall 3 times, some BS with the customer for half hour discussing things that don’t matter and some just have no business being around machinery. All rounder you can’t beat a 5.5 it does everything well, it’s never too little and never too much in a residential environment.

Commercial - I’m grabbing my 8’s for obvious reasons.

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8gpm or more will get those pesky rocks and dirt flying when risning, vs a 5.5 where it may take a few tries. I can flip rocks back into place with an 8 when doing concrete, and those mudpuddles arent so tough anymore.

I give up lol. What rocks are you rinsing?

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I’m talking about those drives and sidewalk landscaping rocks. they are always out of place, and sometimes I knock them out of place with my hose. so the jet from the 8gpm+ gets them
flying back where they belong. And when rinsing asphalt, the asphalt rocks are much easier to push around and flip up over the curbing.