Who makes a 4.5 or 5 GPM pump

his invite is implied but i put it in writing, just for you :wink:


@thinktoomuch you won’t even tell us where your from or anything and no you were on the computer today so most likely not working or the name of your business

“where your from” should be where you’re from ( 100 troll burger points )

Thank you, to infinity, @BuzzLightyear
(Top That!!) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Troll Burger points do not apply to self appointed Internet spell checkers


He is from a little community in Georgia. He actually has a website and a little business but doesn’t do much work from the look of it. PM me if you want the website. I don’t want to post here.

I don’t post my business for a reason,. Please respect that .

I’ve decided that I’m going to start ‘liking’ every one of your posts that I find completely ridiculous. Maybe it’s just some positive reinforcement that you’ve been missing in your life…

Btw, just because some of us are new to power washing, doesn’t mean we’re new to running a business.

I’ve been in business since 2006. Starting around 2008 or 2009 I made it a point to make sure my prices were at the top of the market (not ‘competitive’ like you suggest is needed). My work matches my pricing, though.

You can check the demographics of my town, too, if you like. I’m not in a rich area. We have a solid tourism industry, but my target demographic encompasses only a few percent of the homes here.

I don’t target the average Joe, but quite a few average Joe’s end up hiring me because they care about getting a quality job from a company with a solid reputation. They might only pay to have service every other year or even go 3 years. Hey, maybe they pay some kid or their housekeeper to clean the windows on the in-between years, but they still come back to me once their budget allows.

It’s really kind of sad when self-limiting thinking takes hold of someone who’s self-employed. You set a cap on what you think your work is worth, what you think people will reasonably pay, and oftentimes the only basis one has for this is a few bad experiences with a potential customer complaining at the ‘ridiculous price’.

I think one key to overcoming the self-limiting thought process is to stop thinking from our own wallets. Realize that people put value on things differently than we do. Some people will happily pay $3k for a new apple computer, while someone else with a comparable income will be more happy picking up a $200 emachines from wallyworld.

And ignore the haters. the people who object to higher prices are sometimes the most vocal about it. I’ve had people tell me, “There’s no way I’m going to pay a window cleaner 75 bucks an hour! That’s crazy!” Or (from a painter who thought he was successful), “You can’t expect to make $500 a day and stay in business.” That was several years ago I heard those comments, and every time I think about them, I just chuckle and say to myself, “Oh, yeah?”


Coming from the guy who spends more time on this forum giving bad advice then anyone. I’ve only been in business 1 year (really only 7 months), i was not expecting the phone to be ringing all day everyday. Im still learning which i why i read these forums and other publications to better my self and my business. Im open to learning new techniques of the trade.
As for where i live, it has a low average income but thats not where i work or advertise. Im In Houston one of the largest cites with one of the best economy. Yes there are a lot of guys who undercut, low ball, no insurance. They go after the people i dont want, my current customers are willing to spend more, and have landed jobs just by being insured. And i dont get $500 every time, i just up sell. But im not going to wash half a million dollar plus homes for pennies.

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That’s why i didn’t post it in the forum.

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I’m still here muthafluffer.

How ya doin, anyway?

Oh wait… lollllzzzzz

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And the award for biggest quote ever goes to!!!

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