Night work - anybody else on the job tonight?

I’m doing exterior building wash and exterior window cleaning for two banks this evening. Both have to be done after hours so I started pressure washing at 5pm

First one is completed, that was 2.5 hours drive so I did it first. That finished at 7.30pm

Drove an hour back towards home for the second bank. Now it’s 8.30pm and I’m jealous of all the happy people in the pubs at the other end of town.

No water at the second bank… I had to track down the landlord of the building with the closest tap an negotiate to use it!

This is New Zealand… you can achieve anything when you have a box of beers to offer :grin:


Wow! Glad that worked out for you! Good job on the “negotiating” :beer:

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On my way home… Just another hours driving to my bed zzz

Not often do I drink coffee at 1am!

Best part of working late on friday and going to bed at 3am…

Sleeping in until 12pm :+1:t2::zzz:

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Yep! Worked pm-3:30 am Friday and Saturday night cleaning a shopping center. Doing work!


So about 15 years ago I was cleaning the sidewalks in front of a Walmart at about 2 in the morning. Two weeks before Christmas. Bad part of town. Pouring rain and cold. I get down to the garden center and reach behind the soda machines to unplug them so I don’t trip a gfi. About 5 minutes later someone throws a heavy, wet tarp over me that is so heavy it forces me to the ground. I can’t get up. I can’t get to my pancake holster. I’m waiting for the blows and kicks to begin. After about two minutes I crawled out from under the 25 foot tall inflatable Santa Claus that I unplugged and went back to work. I don’t work nights anymore. If someone was in the parking lot watching that sucker descend on me unawares they got a show for sure.


That’s pretty much the best story I’ve ever heard!

I left my WFP behind on the second bank when I was packing up at midnight on Friday. Didn’t realise till Sunday afternoon!!

Drove an hour back to bank as quick as I could… luckily it was still there. It’s a very expensive thing to leave lying around!

Lucky you!!

BTW, what’s a WFP??:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue:

Waffle fried pie. It’s a kiwi thing

Water fed pole

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Not a winner!