Hello I'm new

I’ll ask her tonight

Easy troll. Not to personal. I don’t think he is a bad guy. He just doesn’t know any better and wants to feel accepted. He might be bullied at school or something.

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That was my fourth attempt at writing a topic title that would be accepted.

  1. Hello. Title does not contain enough characters
  2. Hello helllo. Please be more specific with you title
  3. Hello he ll o. please be more specific with your title
  4. Hello I’m new. (Thank goodness)

You know I don’t care about spelling! I’m lucky enough to know British English conventions reasonably well but one does not like to brag.

Internet grammar Nazis are a strange species. Language evolves. Every generation likes to think they are the last bastion of grammar, manners and all thinks decent.

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who could wash windows for a living.?..( yawn )

Well I don’t get paid my comission if he keeps exposing the Big Soap conspiracy!

I :heart:️ Big Soap!!! (And I kinda like SH to!) (Too, that is!!!) LOL

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This thread is to (too, two, 2) much fun!!!


What will you guys be plugging next ? Mr. Clean ?

Honourable attempts are welcome.

I’ve taken your position here for the moment, @thinktoomuch. You’re most welcome to stay and be a happy normal member of the community :kissing_heart: You’ve got plenty experiences to share. So do it and be positive.

You just can’t push people’s buttons, pull legs, dish out dubious advice or hurt anyone’s feelings for a while.

That’s my job now.


Why yes, yes indeed. His Magic Erasers as a matter of fact. Keep my nails polished to perfection.


So your a flipping English teacher and a fake pwer


I see your elections on the news.

Soon your country will implode and New Zealand will invade.

We have a part time army, some helicopters, a greenpeace inflatable boat and many hobbits. You will cower at the sight of hairy hobbit feet and we will rule.

Z will be replaced, rightfully, by S


Hi Mate

If you need a really good supplier for commercial equipment let me know, The company i use is by far the worlds largest supplier and the prices are second to none.

Wash Rite

Sure, who do you use?

BE Pressure in Te Rapa Hamilton, Everything on your trailer except the steal and the re tank all would of come from BE Pressure, They are without a doubt the worlds largest supplier of water blaster equipment, All the companys that build and sell units buy all the motors, pumps, hose and reals from BE at 80% and sell to you… I can get a 22hp honda V Twin of BE Pressure with a full warranty cheaper than the honda shop can buy them… Pissed The honda shop off every time… Only problem is BE pressure only sell direct to wholesalers or unless you get a referral to them direct from an excising contractor. If they sold to anyone there wholesalers will get pissed as they would loose all there contractor clients .

Maybe BE is a big seller down under but not stateside. They don’t carry commercial grade equipment. You are stuck with general or comet pumps with them and the non upgraded exhausts on the hondas.

They are the only ones with pockets big enough to ship container loads of stuff weekly all the way down hear, They sell down hear GP, Comet, Cat, AR, Landa, Titan Hose reals, Cox reals, Kohler, Honda, plus chonda, Udor, Delavan, mosmatic and heaps other, They are pretty much the only big importer down this way, even in australia they are the same.
