Where to start?

I see how amazing of a resource this site is and I’ve been exploring Newbie Questions but a lot of it sounds like a foreign language. I’m 18 and I’m hoping on starting a small business for the remaining of the summer and possibly next summer to make some extra money. Is there a good resource to start off with, specifically what products to buy and how many parts there are and what each part does? Thank you!

Forget this year, start next year. Give your self a chance to learn on paper at least the very basics of what things are and how they work. Thers is too much that could go wrong going in blind. Without insurance it’s a wrap son. @TexasPressureWashing seems to have threads ready to go in his pocket I’m sure he can find a thread explaining the very basics :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I agree with starting next year unless you’re in Florida, Southern California, or south Texas. Maybe a couple other places. If you have a real winter I’m not sure I’d start this year.

That being said I highly recommend you spend a lot of time reading on the forum and then you’ll already have a good idea of what you want to start with. You will also understand recommendations made and have your own insight to them with the knowledge you gain here. The site tracks your read time. I personally always recommend 4 days read time minimum to anyone new getting into this industry.

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Lol :joy: here you go

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Thank you, I don’t know anything on the topic and it would be dumb to go straight in but I’m looking forward to learning more. :grinning:

I’m in PA so not a great state for this but I have a bunch of rich people on the other side of town who would be willing to pay a ton for it and I’d love to not work every day after school like I did with highschool. Thanks for the thread link and thank you for the tips! :grinning:

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