Udor torque specs & seal replacement

At house numero 4 today and I just don’t know how many more fluid changes to buy time I’m willing to make. Called Udor and got torque specs for anyone looking in the future.

I’m having the same problem! On my list of things to do 9 miles long!

I wish I had time to do a video on this, but here’s a quick and dirty way to get rings out. Disclaimer: BE FREAKING CAREFUL!

In order to make this work heat it up, then you have to move around the entire retaining ring, UNDER the black rubber seal NOT the brass ring with a screwdriver, prying against something not brass. Spread out the load. Take your time.

Then, repack everything in reverse order of how it comes out. Like legos.

Or do it the right way and buy the udor slide hammer tool before hand if you’re going to replace your own packings.

Also, make sure your seals go in the right way. Couldn’t understand why the same piston went bad twice. First time replacing the seals on this machine, last person put a seal in backwards. Not sure how they slammed it together to fit.

A reverse set of pliers does the trick too.

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Would’ve worked great on 2 out of 3. The center one would’ve been tricky. Corroded in like mad.

But yeah… I need to get a set of those too.

You can get the torque specifications for UDOR plunger pumps here:



Shazam. Thanks!

how many hours did you have an that Udor, if you don’t mind me asking?

No idea. Haven’t kept track. I bought it used too.