Two man crew

Walking back and forth keeps the job interesting. I’ve seen weird stuff walking back to the trailer, even almost got hit by a car! Totally beats sitting in a cubicle

No other way to stop soap unless you use a high pressure tip, and that defeats the whole point of the washing with low pressure.

Have a bunch booked in April! Still working at the university and building the truck.

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I couldn’t disagree more with the splitting the house in two idea, unless you can switch from chem to rinse without going back to the truck. We run two man crews and have one guy soap and the other rinse. When the soaper finishes up they start rinsing going back toward the person rinsing. Among other reasons I think it is more efficient and you always get two sets of eyes on the job so nothing is ever looked over.

I also believe that the rinser is the most important person on a washing job, which is why our new guys start out soaping. You can always add more chem if something is missed, but not rinsing properly can be an issue. Just my two cents.

That sounds dangerous to plants and time consuming…I use an x jet and I rinse plants before during and right after application so I dont kill anything. On my 4 gpm machine the x jet isnt to high of presure. But it is a bit high on my 6gpm machine… I will be modifying the x-jet at the handle this year to see if that helps. But still if you keep it fanned out more or stand further back its still low pressure when it hits the house. Idk you are all prolly more experienced than me but I tried down streaming 4 years ago but I didnt like not being able to switch btween soap and rinse instantly