Trilogy of the naked cat

Dont let the cat find out @Grizz tried to derail its thread. That thing looks like it would kill you in your sleep over such an insult. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I rather it kill me the rub across my face at nigjt.


Just died! Who gets my stuff? :joy::joy: (joy)

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I call dibs on the forklift and plow. Also the gummy giant DS box

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Your gonna need a truck for the plow!

Im going to slap it on this.


Hey that’s my truck, find you own. Lol

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@Innocentbystander I pass this sign every morning and I feel like the cat is looking at you :joy:

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Oh man I cant stand cats but Jamie loves them she came home with 8 tiny kittens the other day

Hope y’all are well! Just gonna leave this here :joy:


@SchertzServicesLLC Does your cat have any siblings? I think I found one of them yesterday on a house wash.

The thing went to the closest window wherever I was at watching me and watching the water hit the window.

The customer had two of them. And a third was on the way. Apparently they’re not cheap!


Please tell me you cleaned that deck lol

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lol. No, that deck was the most dangerous deck I’ve ever been on. I had to make sure I stepped on the joists as I walked across it. Several places I clearly would’ve stepped through because the boards were so rotten and I almost did at first.

But when I saw it from a distance, my first thought was to upsell a cleaning on it. Once I took my first few steps, I was like “No way.”

It was also the worst looking deck I’ve ever seen. The lichen in some spots was crazy thick and other spots had the flowery-type lichen. What you’re seeing pictured above was actually the best part of the deck. lol

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Oh man I wouldn’t have even worried about that lichen or it being toast. Just light er up and get it done as they say!

In all seriousness though, be careful walking on neglected decks. I went through one last year. Luckily it was only about a foot off the ground and when my leg went through it only got up to about the middle of my shin. Took a layer of skin with it but it could’ve been worse. Just be careful.


She has lots of them! Lol

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Being that they were a science experiment gone bad they’re all related. I still refuse to believe that our cats look like that without fur…lol

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Didn’t ole @anon37135677 fall off one not to long ago as it broke into pieces?

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Did you move all the plants into one spot so they could be in the picture? :wink: