Tons of Bugs

I just got home from looking at a house that has more bugs on it then I have ever seen! It’s located on a lake and last sold for over $850,000 (super high for my area). The vinyl siding is rather new, pretty much no oxidation. I haven’t come across a house with this many bugs and dirt on it before. Does anyone think I am going to have trouble removing them? I haven’t had any trouble before removing bugs but this amount is absurd!

I had something similar a few weeks back. It was a large white house with a a large front covered porch. It was in the middle of nowhere surrounded by woods. The porch had a ton. The SH loosened them right up.

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Just use your normal house wash. We wash houses like that every day on the lake without a problem


Awesome! That’s good to know. I was afraid I would need to use a brush or something. Which, as you can see in 3rd picture, there are 2 smaller bee hives. The home owner said there was 1 really big one there before and you can still see the mark from it. I haven’t had much success removing those marks before. Any tips on that?

Brown stuff works great on that

I swear you probably even put that stuff on your cereal in the morning. :smile:


If I recall from other threads you have commented on, you always use Brown Stuff in your normal HW mix right?

I stick to what works if it isnt broke why would I fix it


That is true

I’ve done a lot worse at most you’ll just be rinsing a little bit longer

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You are describing every job i do lol.

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Hornets nest will normally clean right up. Dirt daubers are a pain. I will usually hit them with my mix and let it sit and hit it again when i come back by soaping to let it soak in then shooter tip it when im rinsing. That method works but is a pain. Wasps nest are a different breed. Ive had luck knocking them down with a shooter tip 75% of the time. Sometimes i have to pull out the extendable pole with no brush on it to know them off high places. The steam left behind has never came off for me without picking it with my fingers.

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What is a dirt dauber?

Black Wasps that build there nests outta mud.
If @Grizz accidentally sprays one with HW mix ,he rushes it to the nearest hose washing station, then performs insect CPR.


Oh gotcha, we just call them mud wasps. Their sting is nasty!

I’d like to see CPR on a wasp… you know, for science.


I told you in the last post that i kill bees without blinking. Im deeply into hunting but also a animal lover :joy::joy::joy::joy: doesnt make sende i know. Literally everytime i see a box turtle in the road(which is often here) i turn around and move him off the the road in the direction he was headed. Never take one away from the area you found it in. It will starve its self trying to find its home again. Im full of random knowledge :joy::joy:


Makes complete sense. I get ya.
With one exception.
Opossums !!! :point_right: bang,bang




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