This is getting old

I go out and throw my rod in the water and jig it alittle. Then im reeling in big fish. Im starting to get really frustrated.



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You should come reel in some of these redfish.


If im coming down to Louisiana im catching a gator not a fish.

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Nevermind just seen the pic lol

What do you catch them on?

I bowfish catfish in my uncles pond. We feed them and they come up to eat.


Im getting a bow fish rig for my samick sage recurve but i need to switch out the limbs to some 40lbs i have 60 on them now and it wouldn’t be much fun to shoot more than 20 times.

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Grabbed this bad girl 9 years ago.

Unfortunately my schedule these days dont allow as much fishing anymore…


Good for the muscles! Mines at 80 pound pull.

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Same here. I got fish fever when this nice weather hit and had to make time.

Live shrimp, dead shrimp, minnow, crab. They will go for artificial in some circumstances. Sometimes we catch them so big we don’t keep them because it’s not good eating. Too much blood vessel. Still fun to catch. They put up a hell of a fight. I’ve seen someone take 30 minutes to reel in. Taking turns reeling lol


Recurve or long bow is a whole different beast. Id like to see you shoot accurately at 80 with a bow with out cams lol. My compound is on 70lbs and when i first got my 50lbs long bow(63lbs due to my draw length) i couldn’t hit the target and muscles couldn’t take more than 10 shots without struggling. Took awhile before i got good and could hold that weight comfortably at my anchor point.


Never shot one!

You full time in pressure washing or you work 2 jobs?

Nice channel and nice Bass!

Nice fish @Grizz
Do you guys get mudcrab over there?
Here’s a couple we got spearing under rocks Sa

turday night.


Not sure the only mud crabs ive seen is fiddler crabs but they are to small to eat. We catch blue crabs in traps to eat here in SC. Snow crab is the most common in restaurants here though.

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