Thermal relief drip!

Turned off machine and noticed my thermal relief was dripping , went ahead and ordered a few to keep on hand tho. Is this one of those parts that goes out routinely or oftenish i guess. I have no bypass on my ■■■■■■ AAA pump until i get a new unloader to add to it.
So kinda curious on if there is something i can do to make them last longer or is it sumn i should just get used to checking here n there :thinking:. Ive nevee noticed it until today but honestly last 2 jobs i didnt check

The little metal spacer/washer/I can’t remember what it’s called usually gets damaged and they drip. They’re just about worthless in my opinion.

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Once you by pass to tank, you can ditch it… Unfortunately they tend to leak frequently it seems

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Ok cool well until i bypass guess itll be sumn i gotta deal with lol luckily they arent expensive