Tell me a joke

Why did the cookie go to the hospital?
Becuse it felt crummy!

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How did Pinocchio find out he wasn’t a real boy?
His hand caught fire!
Chuck Norris jokes are some of my favs!

Brett Favre can throw a football over 50 yards. Chuck Norris can throw Brett Favre even further.


How do you get a handkerchief to dance?

Put a little Boogie in it.

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Well done team. I appreciated the chuckles

My two favorite are:

Chuck Norris can divide by zero.


If Chuck Norris were to fall out of a boat he wouldn’t get wet. The water would get chucked.

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Chuck Norris can walk on water and swim on land.

Chuck Norris was bitten by a venomous snake and after three days of agonizing pain the snake died.


Chuck Norris doesn’t do push ups… he pushes the ground down.

One of my fav Norris jokes

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So that’s why by we keep getting earthquakes here on the opposite side of the world.

Dammit Chuck!