Scent masking

Has anyone ever used purex crystals or the downy and gain scent booster beads for scent masking on roof cleaning purposes? And also does anyone know if they kill mix?

No but I have some sh stable fragrances from horizon aromatics. Southside also sells cherry & lemon fragrances.

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The woman used to use them as house fresheners, no idea if they’d work in bleach.

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How do you pike the horizon fragrences?

Darn i thought this was a hunting thread.


Just stand in front of a fire, ide rather smell of smoke than piss :wink:


I dont spray deer pee on me. I use scent away but my wife did spray me with some in walmart last night :expressionless::expressionless:

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I don’t have them yet. They’re in route. I’ll keep you posted.

… you have no idea the rutting jokes I’ve just had to choke back…

:joy::joy::joy::joy: ok i see how i set myself up for some good ones lmao




Woah, that’s weird. You should go on that TV show “Obsessed” like that one girl who ate toilet paper.


I dont mind the smell but others around me do :joy::joy::joy:

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I’ve got deer urine all over my boots…I’m not sure why…

When my wife sprayed me with a can of deer pee. The lady at the register was pretty disgusted by the look on her face and the lady that was walking in the parking lot behind me kept coughing and saying someone peed in the parking lot.


Whats that comedians name?

HAHAHAHAHAHA I mean she was probably still right. Lots of things happen in Walmart parking lots. Lots of things.