Random facebook ban

Has anyone heard of something like this? I’ve never used facebook for anything other than my business which is relatively new. they disabled my account, asked for a picture of my face, then perma banned me. Wish it wasn’t such a good platform to advertise on, i could never stand the site.

I don’t know much about Facebook because I hate social media but I wonder if it’s because you don’t use your personal account? I don’t really use mine either and only created an account cause of my business but I do have like 2 friends and look marketplace at times…lol. Maybe your account got hacked and it’s all bull? Now your face is gonna be photoshopped into transvestite magazines because you gave them your mugshot! :joy: Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

They’re going to replicate my dna and replace me with a clone :cry:

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Sign me up, I need 10 of me and I’ve got WORK they can do.


Did you sign up for a personal account but used your business name? That would cause problems.

no, my personal had my first and last name. it had completely no activity up until the other day i joined those… interesting… pressure washing groups. not sure why facebook gave me no details but hopefully i can just make a new account. i’ve been spending a lot trying to get my facebook ads going these last few days.

I’m not a fan of giving out info to social media companies…but they might want enough to know that you’re a real person and not a spam account. Make sure your pic is a pic of you and not of a beach or mountain or something. lol

yeah i sent them a beautiful half asleep 100% confused freshly banned selfie. i guess my looks weren’t good enough to get me out of this one :sleepy:

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That’s just odd. And frustrating.

Dane thing happened to me recently. Made a acct just to look at marketplace, ban hammer. Oh well. FACEBOOK will be sorry soon anyway.

Try adding a friend or two on there when you first make an account.

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Unfortunately, Facebook is an evil necessity for me. I really feel Marketplace saved the company, it would have gone the way of MySpace by now.

Facebook has been glitching the last couple of days.