Noob here just introducing myself

Mayo on meatloaf causes baldness. Y’all really need to come live with me for a while.


Didnt know they made those chips but my son and daughter will live off of ketchup if i let them.

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I’ll try that minus the mayo.


No stop it :nauseated_face::nauseated_face:

They aren’t around here but I’m an enabler and got him three bags in SC last week when we were working out of town. Heading back Monday morning


Like myself when I was her age, my little one will only eat the ketchup if it’s on her plate. If she sees us eating it she will point a scream at the bottle until it makes its way on her plate. Smart kid. :joy:

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Ill eat almost anything pickled or in dill pickle flavoring. Love lays dill pickle chips.

Beets, okra, peppers, cucumbers, sunflower seeds, chips , peanuts,eggs, literally anything but pigs feet

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Baldness,yes,but makes your chin hairs grow like the China dude from kill Bill


Mine too. Give them fries and ketchup, and they’ll only touch one fry, which is for dipping into and licking ketchup off of. Once they’re out of ketchup, that fry gets put back with the rest.


I am bald… if its a warm meatloaf or meatloaf sandwich i prefer mustard.

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Same lol. I have to take the ketchup away to get them to eat. Never ends well.


Lol. I was just picking.

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No way… butter and ketchup only way to eat pancakes. Gotta roll them up and eat them with the fingers though.

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Yep. Get in the car 10 mins later, and it’s “daddy I’m hungry. I need something to eat.” Which, translated, means “daddy I want junk food to eat.”

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No worries… gotta like what you like and stick it.

Well, we sure know how to derail a thread. Btw meatloaf isn’t meatloaf unless it’s covered in ketchup.

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That took off quick too.


@MightyMist welcome to PWRABBQ. The site for hungry pressure washers.


Everyone put there phone down to grab a snack now or they are bugging the wife to make meatloaf tomorrow.

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Poor guy never had a chance against meatloaf.

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