How long does it take to receive an answer?

I, about 3 weeks ago, put in a bid on a trailer park. The manager was very happy that I stopped in and told me what she wanted/needed cleaned. I sent her an estimate that night.

When I sent the estimate it went to a big property management company. When dealing with those companies, how long does it take (on average) to receive an answer? I’m new to all this so I am not sure the average wait time to hear back. I’m sure they can’t just give out an answer of yes/no without it having to go through some sort of processs.

Few days to a year. They wash when it’s budgeted


Yep, odds are they didn’t have it in the budget, and she will have to convince them it needs to be. Then it depends if they have the flexibility to free up the funds now, or have to wait until the next fiscal year…

I’ve dealt with a couple, they don’t pay right away either.

Ok. Thanks for your replies. She said they desperately needed cleaning and her maintenance guy was already swamped with work that he has to do and does not have time to get around to it. She’s right. Those trailers are dirty.