Hosting price

Hosting is $50 a month.

What this covers is:

Website hosting
Website security & backend updates on a daily/weekly basis
Website edits (anytime you need pictures or content added/removed or just edited)
Website SSL – An SSL is a security setting that makes your website safe to all users. This alone cost about $70-$80 for the year through GoDaddy.

By going with a company like GoDaddy and paying them $10-$15 a month you just get hosting. No updates, no security, no edits, no SSL. Nothing, just plain hosting.

With that being said, is this $50 well spent based on what you get?

No. I’m pretty sure I pay around $12 for the year

Not for any hosting in this universe. Sometimes you can find on sale for $4.95/mo with a multi year agreement and paid upfront.

Not a bad deal

What’s not a bad deal?

I’m assuming he meant the offer you posted. It seems high to me but what do I know. I have a company that handles everything internet related for me so I’m a little out of the loop

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