Hose reel stacking order

Quick question, do you prefer the 12v hose or pressure hose on the top when stacking reels?

I guess it would depend for me. If they’re both electric it wouldnt really matter but if you’re hand cranking I’d put the one you use the most at the best position to reel from. From another standpoint I think I would rather have my pressure reel being lower to the ground because when I pull it out to its maximum it can end up not touching the ground for 6 ft or so and I feel that’s a lot of weight and jerking from the unloader while under pressure for those crimps

Working on the transfer.

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Pressure reels need to go on the bottom. Lot sturdier that way.


I like my pressure reel on the top, it’s easier to reach, don’t have to bend over. But it probably would be sturdier on the bottom, it’s got some wobble to it.

Heaviest at the bottom.

Gotcha, wasn’t aware it would wobble.

My next hurdle is having an exhaust pipe made so it comes out the left side but exits over the top and front of the machine.

Coming along.

The straight pipe is optional, but I’m pretty satisfied with the result.


Don’t leave it hanging like that. Those non Honda mufflers don’t have the supports like OEM and that’s a lot of dangling weight.

They’re light, hardly weigh anything.

Why don’t you mount motor on the other side and exhaust out the wall?

Oh sure, punch a big hole in my new trailer.:grimacing:

They all start out brand new brock lol give it a year.

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This is true. My previous trailer is a little worse for wear after cleaning it out.

Over shoulder mufflers work fine, for what you’re doing…

SH and Water wear ■■■■ out quick! :joy:

My 9 month old trailer is showing rust and it’s “powder coated”

Coming along, sorting out what goes where. I’ll be spoiled by the extra access!

The vertical tanks will replace the leg tank at some point.

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