Finally..... ready

Finally home


What’s on the spit? It looks delicious

Boneless butt

Looking good.

Tried something a little different… turned out pretty good.


Homemade pizza pocket on the grill?

Miss grilled and smoked butt’s, all I ever have time for is the crockpot version. Still tasty but you cant beat over fire.

You need to get you a pizza stone!

We have one, I cant imagine it being much better with a stone… crust was very good.

I figured it would burn it or it would melt through the grates? I’ve never done a pizza right on it before.

I was thinking the same thing… it cooked great and was easy.

That turned out great! The only time I ever tried pizza on the grill was a disaster. As in I had to disassemble the thing and scraped carbonized cheese out of the burner…