Feeling dumb

Thought of IBS trying it tonight after it chills


Dont have cheerwine or piggly wigglys in Ohio :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

Thatā€™s a good enough reason to move.

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Never heard of Cheerwine before.

Found it at Bed Bath and Beyond, they have a food section there. I think World Market carries it too.

Or come to NC and itā€™s everywhere from the gas station to Ruth Chris

Sheets has it sometimes in ohio

Get yourself a Merita honey bun, put some butter in a cast iron skillet and fry it up a little bit, wash it down with cheerwine and you have reached redneck nirvana

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Man, my wife is always giving me grief when I fry up a honey bun. I do them just like you said. Darn, havenā€™t had one in a couple of months. Will be stopping at gas station on the way in tonight. 2 for a dollar if on sale.

Thanks @Sharpe for the sheetz hook up

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I canā€™t take credit the wife found it at sheets but Iā€™ll tell her you said thanks. Where are you in ohio if you do t mind me asking.

Portage lakes

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Good fishing up there. Iā€™m over in Youngstown.

Thatā€™s ground zero for the perfect powerwash crew.