EBC and SH Concrete

Hi guys

I’m thinking about EBC mixing with SH in order to clean a driveway via DSing but does that work and is that safe? I have Elemonator but I think EBC might be the better choice for driveways but not sure if these two chemicals work together.
Do you have any recommendation?
Thank you.

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Yes, They both work well together… If the driveway isn’t too big… I would pump spray it… Downstreaming uses up alot of chems most of the time… For smaller areas a pump sprayer is best

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Yes, you can mix them, but what are you trying to clean on the concrete? DS’ing for oil grease, tire marke, ect the mix will be too weak.

I just want to have a general good cleaning solution for driveways and thought about that. I cleaned my driveway with just water and my surface cleaner and wasn’t that happy. So I thought about getting a mix together that helps a bit with all - if thats possible at all. My EBC bottle is still on its way, does it cover the bleach smell as good as Elemonator?

Just use SH. Pre treat and post treat. Search pre treating and post treating on this forum and you’ll find your answers. Also watch racers residential driveway cleaning video. It’s very helpful.


I’m with Max here. Just post treat with sh and maybe even pre-treat if it’s real bad. You shouldn’t have to use EBC on all driveways so I’d save it for specialty stains. You might be moving too fast or have an issue with your surface cleaner.


Thank you Guys!

You can mix them fine. For pretreat don’t need a ton of EBC unless you have oil stains. 5 oz per gal. for just generally dirty concrete. Can mix with water or SH, whatever ratio you want. If it was bigger than a 3’ by 3’ area would downstream. I never use a pump sprayer for pretreat unless just hitting a real bad spot.