Doing some testing with my mixes

Hey all,
Im testing my housewash and roof mixs on my home(Vinyl, Asphalt).It’s proving great experience as i have no gutters and landscaping around my home.

I’ve got my roof mix down,4% with some Roof Snot(works great btw).But my housewash is proving to be a little more of a issue.So first i tried .8 SH with literally a half a shot glass of Elemonator in 6 gallons mix (got that info from a comment on here). I noticed some patching spots after cleaning. Rinsing again with just water did not remove the spots so im thinking its not dried Elemonator. Yesterday I made my mix at .8 SH with 1oz Elemonator per gallon and sprayed the other side of my house.While I dont see any spotting,there are spots that just look unfazed by the mix.I noticed some bubbles flying out of my wand so i dont imagine i can go much higher than 1oz Elemonator in my mix.My house is not exceptionally dirty so im curious what im doing wrong.Does .8 SH with 1oz Elemonator pre gal sound about right for lightly soiled vinyl?Ill post a pic in a minute.

You will see to the left the siding is more white(what its supposed to be).

I can’t see what you’re talking about in the picture, but I can tell you 90% of the houses I wash I use just under 0.6%. If it’s really nasty, I’ll go around 1%. If you’re truly getting .8% to the wall, you should be right on what you need for just about every job. This is for vinyl or course. I also use about 1 oz eliminator per gallon of SH.

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@Nickski To the right the color changes to a more yellow. Perhaps I just didn’t spray that area liberally. If your using the same I don’t see why it wouldn’t work here considering I really didn’t have much growth. Thanks for the reply.

The SH is only for organic, not dirt. It doesn’t make it all disappear. Walk out there with a damp rag and wipe in that corner some and see what happens.