Chemical Pricing

Everything was always Coke for us, or the only exception was Dr. Pepper… but we had the orange drink and grape drink.

O yes you have run across it, at least you as a CaCO3 have run across Calcium Hydroxide Ca(OH)2 anytime a Carbonatation has taken place :smile:, you are even formed from it in your insoluble form :

No, actually Calcium Hydroxide is really dead cheap here and I know Sodium Hydroxide does a great job but it is hard to get in my Country, probably need to import that, and have some chemicals importing license to do that, but then again it also looks like it can be formed by soda ash and Calcium Hydroxide but not easy, need to check on paper factories, and pool supplies shops for it, might be lucky.
Thanks @CaCO3Girl

I would love to hear your recipe!

Lol I honestly can’t remember it now but it dealt with the heat from actual caustic soda beads and water reacting with each other. I’ve been out of the lab for about two years now.

Well dang. Thanks for replying!

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that may be the worst cost of Sh i’ve heard of

oops. super old thread

Man these prices hurt. 500$ here in Alaska.