Brick wallls black stain coming back

i did a gated community did the whole place outside in inside.
I got all the black stains off… This was 1 year 1/2… I got a call the black is coming back… Is there something I should have sprayed on it after I CLEANED IT.???

Stuff happens. I re wash the same apartment communities every single year.

This was $700 job they don’t want no black comeback that soon… million dollar houses them kind of people…

Mildew comes back every year around here. Job security

I have to wash a good portion of my home every year…and there are places that I have to wash twice a year because of mildew. I am not sure that I would wash it again, for free. Some places are just prone to mildew…if I let the front of my house go for a year and half…it would be black.

You can’t tell a lot by this picture…but the front of my house faces west and has tall shrubbery…just seems to breed mildew.

Tell them you can prevent the mold from coming back by washing it every year. You can only control nature for so long before it fires back again.

They can prevent it by having it done twice a year.

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