Bigger bypass?

sometimes im a one man show, my question is can i install a larger by-pass line for my 8gpm machine so i dont always have to pull the trigger on my gun or go bak to the truck to shut machine down.

thanks in advance

??? Absolutely no clue what the question is . Can you kindly reword that into a question

I translate the statement as: Will a larger bypass hose eliminate the need to shut off the pressure washer if I’m not holding the trigger down?

If you have a tank, 3/8 hose is sufficient

No bypass hose size has nothing to do with line pressure.

I’m still lost are you talking about a bypass to tank vs bypass to inlet ?

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and think it’s just a loop and not running to the tank as it should.

So,if I’m understanding the question, then a larger hose won’t make any noticeable difference because it’s still holding such a small amount of water in that loop.

Hose size won’t make a difference because your unloader is a valve ON/OFF one side has nothing to do with the other. Except for a balanced unloader but that’s totally different

If it’s an 8gpm he most likely has a tank.


Good point. :thinking:

Run your bypass back to your buffer tank. That will keep cool water circulating through your pump indefinitely.

Just make sure that where you install it that it’s not shooting right at your bulkhead, or you’ll get air bubbles in the pump and tear it up.


I still don’t understand the question he brought up. He said he has a 8gpm machine…but who has a 8gpm machine and is worried about pulling the trigger or shutting the machine off??? The only ones who ask this are newbies who have a small machine that circulates the water back through the pump and not to a bypass tank.

He never clarified it either…just everyone kind of assuming what he’s talking about. My thought is he doesn’t have a 8gpm machine.


Thiught the samething thats why i did not repply, xonfusing quwstion

I’m sorry for the confusion, let me clarify.

Sometimes I work alone, and when I start my machine (8gpm) with buffer tank (obviously). I was always told to not let the gun sit more then a minute or two without pulling the trigger, for potential pump damage, I was wondering if there was a way of installing a larger unloader or orifice so the pressure doesn’t build up so rapidly. Essentially allowing me to do other things without worrying about damaging the pump.

Ohhh and yes I have a bypass line from the unloader to the buffer tank

I hope this helps, or was I told bad information about how long the gun can sit idle

If you bypass back to the tank you can leave it in bypass all day if you want


Pictures. It’d help determine if it is already plumed back to your tank.

As @florida_condo_cleani said you’re good to go…your pump is not heating up because it constantly has cool fresh water from your buffer tank flowing through it and bypassing back to your tank when you’re off trigger.

The only time you have to squeeze the trigger or shut off your machine is when the bypass hose connects back into the pump circulating the water and it heats up very quickly.

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Gentlemen thank you very much! The last 3 years I always felt I had to squeeze the gun to release pressure to keep from damaging the pump. This is great information and will make my job much easier when I’m working by myself!!! Thanks again


You actually are and can now claim you practice “greener” pressure washing with less water usage than before!