Adding gun to side of surface cleaner with splitter

My new recovery surface cleaner is coming soon and I thought it would be cool if there was someway to mount a gun to the side of it and have a splitter to where you could just let go of the Trigger on the surface cleaner, grab the gun pull it’s trigger and get in the areas that the surface cleaner can’t then put the gun back and pull the trigger on the surface cleaner again to suck up the water.

Has anyone been able to figure out a way to do this? Is there such a thing as a high-pressure splitter? My ENT for sea surface cleaner from Hydro check has two triggers on it.Has anyone been able to figure out a way to do this? Is there such a thing as a high-pressure splitter? My Any4c surface cleaner from Hydrotek has two triggers on it…

Landa water Jets have a wand on them. It’s a while lot easier to just pop the trigger gun off the surface cleaner and pop in a wand for a whatever you need


just purchased an edou surface cleaner 20 inch, I have all male connects, how can I hook these up

Females on both sides of the gun. Male on the SC