A message to all members from Tom Svrcek, President at Joseph D. Walters Insurance

To all PWRA and WCRA members,

I want to congratulate Thad and Chris for putting on a great event. It was well run and a successful convention. Good work and thank you.

I also want to thank all of the Joseph D. Walters clients for stopping by to say hello. It’s always nice to put a face with a name.
At certain times during the day we were swamped and didn’t get to spend enough time with everyone. We apologize. Darla has a lot of work to do and will be in touch this week. Please be patient. Darla has 60+ new quotes to do for new prospective clients, dozens of questions to answer for current clients, plus catching up on 2 days of work after being out of the office for the convention. I asked her to work all day Sunday but she says Allison Hester and Tim Fields kept her up too late on Saturday. As for me, I’m the boss and I’ll go back to doing BOSS things.

So, the good news is…we’ll keep the 10% additional convention discount going on for the remainder of this month! Trust me, you will never get premiums this low again. If you didn’t get a chance to talk with us at The Gaylord now is the time to call and get a quote. It’s not just for attendees. Any PWRA and any member of the WCRA in good standing is eligible…CALL 1-800-878-3808 NOW.

You can also ask for Bonnie, Sarah or Joan because Darla is BUSY. Or, if I can be of help please call me.

Best Regards,

Tom Svrcek

PS… Call for this exclusive plan and deal with professionals that know your business.

PPS… If you’re NOT a PWRA or WCRA member please enroll ASAP. Please note, the discounts you’ll receive for being a member will allow you to save $$$ each and every year on your insurance.

PPPS… If you cancel your current policy immediately and go with Joseph D. Walters you’ll get the important coverages necessary and the cost to cancel your current policy is chump change. Any cancellation fee on your current policy will definitely be less than the EXTRA savings we’re offering until the end of the month.

Lastly. Even if you’re a Dallas Cowboy fan the same discounts apply…

Thanks Tom! Speaking with Joan now.