Wood Defender

Are any of you familiar with Wood Defender stains made by Standard Paints in Mansfield Tx? If so, what are your thoughts?

I really like their semi trans fence stains. I took their training class several years ago. We don’t do fences anymore but I really liked wood defender when we did.

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Thanks, Jason. I took their class yesterday and am considering buying some of their equipment to add to a pressure washing business.


You may want to consider another local Houston produced stain, Bakers Gray Away, manufactured by Southern Stain and Seal. Shane Brasseaux of Wood Savers of Texas specializes in wood restoration in the greater Houston area and can be reached at (281) 351-2545.

Shane has been in the business many years, does terrific work, and just a great guy. He can point you in the right direction for equipment, chemicals, and stains. Tell him BDA member Rick Petry sent you!

Why did you stop doing fences?

We stopped staining fences and decks about 7 years ago. I decided we were going to focus strictly on cleaning and kicking butt at it! lol

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