What is your favorite house wash soap?

And more importantly, WHY?

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Elemonator by PressureTek. I used simple cherry before Elemonator was developed. Its the only liquid house wash soap I have really used. It leaves windows looking great and customers love the smell.


Another vote for Elemonator here!


We used to use elemonator for a full year - however we noticed in our area it was streaking the windows really badly,We only know this since we do window cleaning as well.(could of been on our part of using a slight too much but you cant expect employees to always follow instructions - so I needed something that was “safe” to over use just incase… So we tried a few things and ended up using fresh wash - which doesn’t suds nearly as much and doesn’t have the strongest scent but it honestly rinses very well and haven’t had any issues with spotting since.

Do you have hard water there?

I found the same to be true, @Seth. We have some of the best water in the country too at a TDS of ~30.

Thad we do have hard water 140-300. But as I stated once we switched to fw we have never had the issue. And I’m not talking like residual spotting. It required steel wool in every window. You could. Literally see the outline of the waters droplet where it dried. I even did a test one time on a home that had bad spotting. I cleaned the window and then sprayed with a garden hose on a window and it did not require steel wool after it dried.

Started off with Simple Cherry, switched to Elemonator. My own experience here
Simple Cherry fantastic house washing soap, but window spotting was an issue
with my clients, lots of complaints. Switched over to Elemonator, never a window
complaint. Started off as a window cleaner, I still try to upsell an exterior window
cleaning after a house wash. I still land a few but most of my clients are pleased
how exterior windows look. My RO/DI rig lots of resting some days! Lol.

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Thad what is your go to soap?

I’ve bounced back and forth between Elemonator and Fresh Wash. I haven’t done a head to head comparison. They’re both really good.

I suspect that local water quality has something to do with how one quality soap compares to another. I’d like to see some hard data.

We’ve never had problems with Elimonator or Simple Cherry with window spotting…Some of our service areas have hard water also. Most (if not all) call backs for spotty windows (which we’ve had none this year) were due to improper rinsing.

Of course that being said, everyone’s areas & water hardness is different.


Since the PWRA event I’ve switched over to eco wash(syntec). It has a great lemon scent, helps out with the windows and landscape when its a one man show

everytime I get called back for soap on the windows a couple times a year and I use eliminator it rinses right off no brushing

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I used Elemonator for the past couple years and it worked great. Rinsing is always key, especially on the windows. Always hit the windows two or three times to ensure no residue is left behind.

I will admit though,

Just recently I had a couple end of season house washes and thought I had at least enough Elemonator left for the jobs. Turns out that day when I checked of course I was out.

So I was going to go the old Gain soap way for a quick fix, when I saw my wife bought this new dish soap called Myers Natural Dish Soap. Figured what the hell and try it. It’s all natural and organic ingredients so there is no reaction with bleach and its safe to mix.

I did the same portions and went ahead with the mix…

I have to say, it washed great and rinsed beautifully. I couldn’t believe how clean the windows were after. It seriously looked like I took the WFP to them with only one rinse.

It masked the scent some with the honey lemon scent but wasn’t overbearing. The one big difference between the Myers soap and other dish soaps and all surfactants was it was not as thick as the other soaps and Elemonator. This is why it rinsed so well with zero residue. Just by washing your hands with it you can tell how easily it rinses off. That being said, I think the extra thickness and clinging feature for a surfactant soap is 100% needed on roofs, but not on house washes. I saw from experience now that a soap with less body or thickness to it still cleans great but rinses even better.

Im still love Elemonator and will always recommend it 100%. But my wheels are def turning when it comes to using a thinner based soap on house washes.

Just some thoughts…



I started with Simple Cherry, then moved to Elemonator. Like others I stopped using it when I had window streaking issues. Switched over to Dragon Juice and it worked great. Just doesn’t have much of a cover scent. I am ordering some fresh wash to try.

I take it the old tsp and dish soap are no longer in practice lol

Freshwash is our preferred surfactant. Its not to sudsy & it mask the scent of SH just enough. We only had one call back this year because of spotted windows & that was because the rinsing wasn’t adequate.