Residential Business Plan input

@618Pressure Don, I haven’t made a habit of giving short answers so I hope you read this. I can’t find the first post where I felt like you did about one of the other veterans in the group.

I spoke my mind too on the first post and again on this one. In between that post, this one above, and shortly after Innocent still answered a question that helped me put money in my pocket. Have you ever seen Anchorman? If so, I had the same moment in my head where Vince Vaughn’s character said, “Deep in my soul I hate you Ron Burgundy… but dammit I respect you.” Lol

I had to take a deep breath, laugh it off, and realize that, even though William is a straight shooter and that sometimes gets interpreted as condescending, his answers still come from a place of running a successful business for 20-25 years doing what we’re trying to do.

That’s incredibly important because no matter how good we think we are he’s been in business 5 times longer than 90% of us will be in total. @rmcmurry this is important for you to read too. That’s just a fact of business. You can find it online via reputable sources. 90% of the people you see in this forum who are new in business will be OUT of business in 5 years. Read that as FAILED in the pressure washing/exterior cleaning business.

Don, I’m glad you’re here and I’m glad you’re in business. Innocent and I are coming from a place of trying to help we just have different approaches, but the info is well intended. We’re all here as business owners trying to help other business owners and should treat it as such. We’re not here as cavemen in a pissing contest.

You said you’ve found what I’ve posted helpful. There was a guy named Jim Luke on here who I had a very similar back and forth with as you and Innocent had in this thread and I haven’t seen him around here since, but if he had a question I could help with I’d do my best to help despite our little spat.

Why? Innocent did the same thing with me. I’ve made videos for people who’ve had questions, made my phone number available, answered questions via message and email. Why? Because I’ve seen innocent do it time and time again for others. I’m literally just emulating a guy who is in the same business we’re in, but he’s 20+ years successful at it.

He answered a question yesterday for me about an injector spring I shot to the moon and couldn’t find it and recommended a springless one from pressuretek. I called pressuretek immediately because a guy who’s probably forgotten more than I know about this business recommended it.

This forum is here to help you succeed. Andrew out in Boston has fielded questions via facetime and text. I messaged Racer probably daily during my trailer build because my set up was going to be similar and I didn’t know how to execute it. The list here goes on… and on…

I’ll stop beating a dead horse. Again, I’m glad you’re here and I wish you unending success. Take a breath, ask another question when you have one and when Innocent answers it know that it’s coming from experience even if it reads a little grumpy. Ha!