New Vehicle wrap Vote

Please help can’t decide…TIA

No one is going to see the top. Save money and skip it. All I see is monster. I don’t see a reason to wrap or letter a tru k but if you do I’d skip all the colors and business name. Big black block letters that say pressure washing and a phone number. Everything else is just confusing for someone driving down the road.


I think there is to much going on in the background. Use your logo which is awesome btw!

Then some big bold text with what you do along with your number.

Me personally I like the wrap!!! Just don’t do the top of the truck nobody will see that

I’ve heard a couple people say that the top should be wrapped to protect from SH dripping off ladders onto roof. Dont know how big of a deal that is, just something i heard. I would think spraying the ladder with water before storing would probably be enough, but cant really say.

I can’t even see the pics? Am I the only one?


If you’re not rinsing anything that SH touches down before it goes back on the truck you’re being a silly sally. Don’t be a silly sally.


He deleted the pics for some reasom

If you click on the red edit pin it comes up…

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C’mon IBS. The top is for helicopters, Dude!:rofl:

Might as well do the top. When I was pricing vinyl wraps it was a flat rate for artwork then a flat rate for printing. Around $2k no matter what.

If it’s not a flat rate, but it’s just slightly more I’d probably still have the top done because it would feel like the job is unfinished to me. What if you take promo pics of you on a ladder and the roof of the Tundra is in the background bare as a baby’s butt?

Yep it’s same price no matter what…I didn’t ask for it…but in NYC it
comes in handy when every street is lined with buildings…got it woodchucks!


But you are all right very busy, the simple clean looks better now that I have had a few days to look over everything

Keep the top if you work down town area.
If you work in the suburbs no need