How do I bid on commercial jobs?

Hello everyone, after doing many residential areas and properties I have finally obtained enough knowledge and equipment to decide to finally delve into the commercial end of PW. The only problem is, I have know idea where to start! How do I find companies that need my services in my area? Do I just cold call facility managers and offer them a contract? Or do you guys just use companies like bidslot? ANY info would be greatly appreciated and sorry if this is a dumb question, I’m pretty young and not too familiar with the “business world” yet but I’m trying to learn more everyday!

I started by cold calling and emailing. GRIND…Google search properties and email their main facilities. Offer building washes and underground parking

Okay, I will try that. Thanks for the response!

for sure, you can PM me anytime to pick my brain.

Give me a call…I can help you .