Heavy Leafs stains

Did a job today and this has heavy stains, it washed it with 250 degrees but nothing… What gets this gone???

Urinate on them…them wash them away.

SH. They disappear. Seriously.

Found this from a previous thread

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Lol. Bingo.

Thank u guys…

I have tried SH on several driveways and it did not work on all of the leave stains Although, it does work on most of them.

Hmm. Maybe I just keep getting lucky and the stains aren’t that old.

I think you are right…I suspect age of stain has been the problem in my experience.

@Fatdaddy @JimLuke made a good point about how long the stains have been there. Might take repeated applications and a soft bristle brush to work it into the concrete.

Didn’t shoot strong enough. Use a 3.5-4% roof mix. The soap in the mix helps it penetrate.