Have you ever used Realm pressure washer

Check this out. realmimportexport.com
You will find your pressure washer to help you to clean your house,garden and car,etc.
Also, Realm has developed a new model called 2in1 pressure washer with vacuum.
Best quality,the lowest price, the most useful.
You can also search on Amazon or Ebay by typing realm pressure washer on the search bar.
Hope this help!!

Lol funny stuff…

you mean the machine?

This is the one I use. A BIG difference there!

this one must have higher psi. For commercial use, i guess?

Everything here is commercial use. We are a group of business owners doing this for a living and using professional equipment with high GPM cleaning power.

Lol that may come in handy for cleaning a doll house.

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Haha, its home use,sir

I’m just giving you a hard time lol. We couldn’t use anything like that though. Time is money for us so we need to get done and get to the next job. What normally takes me an hour would take a full day with that.

It’s sooooo cute though!

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