Do any of you guys off professional window cleaning?

Well, a couple months back we completed our first state job (Historical mansion) they called back this week and told us they would like us to come quote cleaning the windows also. We have cleaned windows before but only in residential homes and it wasn’t a professional job, just a quick once over with a squeegee… What is the going rate for window cleaning these days (keep in mind its a state job) any additional equipment i should buy to make it a little easier or any special techniques? Generally this isn’t something we would be interested in but its always nice to get repeat contracts and could definitely be a future investment for the company. Thanks in advance!

Spend some time reading and searching on A lot of this is covered on a regular basis over there.

Window cleaning and power washing go together like peanut butter and jelly, imo.

  • attention to detail. You’ve already got this from PW-ing

-ettore brand squeegees

-spare ettore brand squeeze rubber blades, fresh rubber blades leave less streaks

(There are a million brands of window cleaning tools. Make life easy and don’t delve too far down the rabbit hole. Just buy ettore and it’ll be fine!)

Yeah but what if you downstream the peanut butter and clean windows with the jelly.

We’ve made great money on cleaning windows! Learned how on YouTube (incredibly easy), spent about $140 on gear, and away we went. One retired couple (physicians) “fired” their maid from cleaning windows because we “did such a great job.” They call regularly.

Also, make friends with a realtor and/or real estate “stager”. They love for the windows to sparkle in their pics.

Caveat: We won’t clean old wooden windows or windows with storm windows. Time is more important to me than money.

Lastly suggestions: We offer first floor window cleaning for free on recurring commercial pressure washing contracts. Never have to get on a ladder, it’s fast and easy to do well, and the clients love free stuff. My cost to do it: average $105 labor and whatever a few capfuls of easy glide costs (less than $1).