Customer acquisition cost

Starting up and with my limited experience I’m trying to guesstimate my numbers to calculate pricing. I’ll quit guesstimate after I have sufficient concrete local data.

The one I struggle with is customer aquistion cost. I believe I’m going to make a website and use Google pay per click lead system but that’s to be determined.

So of those who have calculated it, what have you found your acquisition cost to be? Again I know different areas affect price as well as business A has done it 20 years and has a low acquisition cost due to repeat business where business B just started 2 years ago and has a higher acquisition cost to establish. Despite these variations it will still help form a picture or average to start with.

Thanks in advance for any input.

Zack, what do you know about the business? I am about to embark on an EDDM campaign as a new business owner who has hounded my colleagues here for information. I HOPE to get a 1% return on that campaign which would ultimately cost me $30 per lead. The problem with on line leads is reviews. WELL, that’s only a problem if you don’t have any.

Before I set out for a gooogle leads program, I would make certain that “Nice Jobs”, a Google program, had you padded with reviews.