Cedar Tree Sidewalk

So I pressure washed a sidewalk yesterday that had cedar trees beside it. Was planning on a cold water wash and about an hour and I would be done.

Yeah, wrong. Instead three hours later I had stripes from my surface cleaner and had to constantly go back with a want to hit the parts I missed.

I don’t do bad pressure washing. If it’s not awesome, I’ll sit there a whole day if I have to.

I’ve never had a sidewalk take so long. What can I do in the future to ensure these sidewalks under trees goes faster and looks pristine for my customers?

Thanks for any input. :smiley:



Thank you! I’ve been researching it and couldn’t get any straight answers. Would you apply it straight mixed with soap or dilute it a little with water? Like a 1:3 or something like that?

Can’t answer is i can’t see the sidewalk. Whatever it takes to get rid of the tanin

I apologize. I swore I posted this at the top of this post.

DS straight bleach, surface clean, rinse and go home


Can’t thank you enough IBS. Have a great weekend. :smiley:

LOL, that’s about average around here. Post treating after you’d done would have taken 15min and it would look like new. Or as IBS suggested you can pretreat strongly. I just like a medium pre-treat so I don’t hurt the grass. By the time its surface cleaned, grass so flooded I feel better about using a lot stronger mix. Plus if I’ve got some surface cleaner lines the post treat will knock those out too. And I like using some surfactant on post treat, seems to help it penetrate better and holds it on better.

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Ugh! Call a professional.

Great info. Thanks so much!

A professional only means you earn profit for it. :slight_smile: