Business tips from Chipotle


This guy loves promoting to his competitors. I just don’t get it.

He is different, that’s for sure lol

Haters gonna hate

once again, no hate. Just a different set of morals and professionalism.

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Honestly, there’s no reason for us to “hate” on anything. You’re just promoting your YouTube channel and pressure washing business on a national pressure washing forum where it is all business owners. There are no customers for you here. It’s wasted time.

not if his end goal is to have a following of business owners to market to…

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Lol. Not seeing the business acumen for that to happen. But, it’s harmless here. No vendors here for him to disrespect so if it makes him happy to post the stuff this site is the best one for it probably.

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But he’s passing the savings onto youuuuuuuuu!!!

