Best combination High and low pressure tip. What do YOU recommend

Hey all,

Looking at investing in a couple quality combination High and low pressure wash tips to help speed up wash times and be more efficient.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated so that I purchase a quality product.

Thank you kindly

Get yourself a couple of these. Install whatever tips you need.

My personal choice is 0540, 2540, and shooter tip. I cut off one of the nozzle holders with my metal chop saw.

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Thanks, Alex,

That looks like a great setup.

After more research Im actually looking for the Hi/Lo Trombone unit.

Kinda tough to find though, especially to ship to canada.

Thanks for the responce… Ill keep hunting

You could use a duel lance for chemicals. This will let you reduce the pressure instantly.>%20Pressure%20Washer%20Accessories%20>%20Pressure%20Washer%20Lances&utm_campaign=General%20Pump&utm_content=30586&gclid=CjwKCAiA1O3RBRBHEiwAq5fD_N4Y_1oZ-pcvJQZ0mn1wQxPFUjeN-nXFi-9HBSGW0MeOoioawUi85xoCDzMQAvD_BwE

Ewwwww yuck. No


Been using one for about 2 months. We’ll acually on my second. My first after about 3 weeks leaked on high pressure side at the Y. Second one is hanging in there. Get O rings they go out alot! Other than those couple of things I really like it.