Aluminium Siding

Hello Everyone,

I’ve been reading going on 20 months. Only reason I know exactly how long is because the second my daughter was born I’ve wanted to give her the world.

I eat, sleep breath knowledge. I have about four people on the world wide web that I follow. None have answered because I never asked. Very limited number of posts about Aluminium Siding…

With that being said…

1.) Rinse off Aluminium Siding. (Really well.)
2.) Soft Brush, T.S.P. And dawn (Scrub until saturated), leave on 10-15 minutes, then rinse again)
3.) Downstream SH and let sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
4.) Rinse, rinse and RINSE…

This seems time consuming but necessary. (There is one question.) *I live in Youngstown, Ohio, we have newer homes with vinyl siding, but also a lot with Aluminium. *

Oxidation is another question… is there a way to make aluminium look new… (obviously not new)

Gutter Cleaning chemical? This route, seems expensive and not worth it.

I started with nothing. I by no way have what some people have on this site. I remember my first job… Single-Wide Trailer, it was a 1986 home that probably wasn’t ever cleaned… took all day. I never knew about soft washing. I knew nothing. This was before any research. My wife wanted me to try and see if I liked it bought a pressure washer from a garage sale ($30.00) The pressure washer had a cat pump. At the time I thought a pressure washer was a pressure washer.

I am in no way the Albert Einstein of pressure washing nor do I think I know more then the next. But since that trailer (which I did for 50 bucks) never discouraged me. It made me want to know more. (Knowledge is POWER)

THAT IS why I am asking about Aluminium Siding.

Also I have a Learning Disability but that has never stopped me ever. I have graduated college with a 4.0… I have and will always conquer what I set my mind to.

Thank you in advance and all constructive criticism is appreciated, all criticism is helpful.

Is what mention above the best way to clean aluminium siding?

Thank you,


All I can say about aluminum is be careful. I also wash in youngstown so I know we’re you coming from with the delema.Be careful using a brush on those aluminum sided homes.If you stir that oxidation up the house is going to look worse than when you started and your going to get sued.There are people around here looking to get new free siding from you I guarantee it. Don’t be afraid to say no and walk away if you don’t think you can do quality work. Do quality work, price fairly, and make money. Don’t be a $100 wash guy. We have enough of those here.

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Do a test spot in an inconspicuous place and get customer to approve. Charge a lot for aluminum. PIA. Learn to do roofs, more money, less aggravation. Sometimes walking away is the most profitable move.
A lot of people with aluminum just want washed in order to get repainted. Those are ok, just make sure in your bid that you specify that its for that purpose, then you’re not the one paying for it, lol

Same here. Mind me asking what flavor?

I’ve known for quite awhile that I have ADD, but I also discovered recently that I’m most likely on the milder end of the Autism/Asperger’s spectrum. Understanding how my brain is wired a little differently has helped me run my business a little more effectively.

At any rate, you’ve come to the right place to learn.

Aluminum is a little different than other substrates, because it has a long-lasting painted/baked coating. It is not as well understood by homeowners as other siding systems. Unlike wood, it is not always apparent when it is in need of repainting. And unlike vinyl siding, it will need new paint at some point in its lifecycle.

Oxidation is a gradual breakdown of the painted/baked coating. IMO, unless you also offer painting services and know what you’re getting into, stripping off oxidation is a bad idea. Either provide a basic housewash where the oxidation is left undisturbed (and explain that that’s all you’ll be doing), or leave the “paint prep” cleaning to the painting contractor.

Same boat. But AD/HD. We can hyper focus. Which is just a nice way to say we obsessively research and ATTENTION to detail.


Wonder twin powers activate. If y’all are to young for that, it’s funny. Trust me :slight_smile:


1505656848-picsay there make u a meme with that pic IBS