Which pressure washer to buy? Which is a good one

Thanks for the insight I appreciate it. I’m going to get it back to 2500 and leave it be until I have the jack to upgrade to a belt driven unit. That way I can actually justify having my buffer tank :joy:

Biggest misconception on setting unloader is to do it using a gauge. Doesn’t matter what your pressure is. You want the most flow possible. Put in your red tip. Pull bypass hose out of tank or position it so you can see water flowing from it. Start machine and adjust unloader until only a trickle of water is going into bypass when your a spraying. Check with gauge then if you feel the need. Doing this allows the max amount of water with the least amount of wear on unloader.

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will do! I’ve got to get this thing right because I have 3 jobs lined up for the weekend. Thanks for the help, I’m open to any and all suggestions at this point.

Hello friends,

I am glad to see all the discussion take place, There are many types of pressure washer available in the market which have best features to clean the hardest and toughest oil scar. According to me, Sun Joe SPX3000v is one of the best pressure washer which can be used in pressure washing.

Can you say "danger Will Robinson danger "? I’m fairly convinced you are a robot


Tell me this??? I bought me a HOT WATER 5.6gpm 4000psi be a few weeks… There is a plant 75milles down the road that I found that MAKES SELLS pressure washers… LARGO.
i was going with a 8gpm I was told u don’t need it doing just houses, wand is like a cannon all day on that wears you out…

So when you put water in the tank HOW LONG does it take for the water to get HOT???
Is the question

The water comes from the tank, to the pump, then to the burner and heated instantly, and then down the hose and out the gun.

That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.


Lol educate us please. I thought that was how it worked.

Friend tell US or really me i don’t understand how hot water deal works…
I got a 200 gallon tank on my rig…

Hot water on pressure washer works the same as water heater at your house. Water is heated as or flows thru the coils. It doesn’t heat the water in your tank. No one becomes a Dr by buying a stethoscope, medical bag and asking questions on the internet. Maybe before buying equipment many would be better served to research for a year and work for someone for awhile before hanging out their shingle


At my house, the water doesn’t flow through coils, it’s heated in the tank with heating elements :joy:

But on a PW, doesn’t the process work just as I described above?

And I’ll have to disagree with you on your last comment, William. Many of us here have learned things by reading here how to do it. Nothing weong with that either. I learned most of what I know here and then applied it in the real world with very good results. I’ve done this for a year now, have never damaged anything and had very happy customers. I now run a very successful business thanks to what I’ve read and learned here.


Amen Brother

My reply was for the guy that thought water was heated in the tank. I’m glad you’ve done ok. My point is would you want to hire someone to work on your property that bought equipment then relied on random people


Some people are book learners, some learn visually, and others need hands-on experience. Many have successfully learned what they needed just from online forums and videos. But William is right about a lot of people: they need hands-on experience to really “get it”. There’s nothing wrong with that. Just understand which type of learner you are, and don’t expect more of yourself than is reasonable.

It sounds like you would really benefit from doing some “Labor for learning” with a professional outfit near you. If you contact a few companies just outside your market area, they may be happy to share some of their secrets in exchange for some honest, free labor.

There are also classes available where you can learn the ins and outs of the business.


I broke down and got me a 8gm 4000psi washer… was getting 5.6 for another $1000 he gave me a 8gm. GX690 Honda
Tell me this I have a 200 gallon tank how long does it take to take a 200gallon down… Thinking I might need to get a bigger tank??

I have one truck with two 8 gpm machines fed from a 65 gallon tank. All depends on your water supply.

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10.7 hp

Do they make Turbo Nozzles for 8gpm washers… I don’t find any so far??