Price this job

I guess that’s what contractors do :dark_sunglasses:

I would charge 10k to 12k. Myself with three guys, no lift or trailer tank. Would take 1 1/2 days maybe 2.
I run 2- 4000 psi direct drive, with 2 totes and 2 dedicated 12 volt pumps.

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I run my business out of a suv and 4 x 4 habor freight trailer. I am doing very well considering I have around 3k in equipment and have made considerably more than that.

I tried getting prices from other companies and having them do jobs for me, but honestly, there is a serious lack of pressure washers in my area. All it is going to take is one serious person to build a business to dominate the area.

Learning lots here though :slight_smile:

That’s absolutely true.

I just drink beer, talk ■■■■ and post random pictures from the internet all day so y’all think I have a business.

My one and only Customer is Mr Welf. R. State


just finished a job that looks just like that


We’re doing the job Friday and Saturday and worst case scenario Monday and after expenses all end up banking about $4k.