How much hose should I have for residential?

I guess we have different definitions of condescending. My wife is giving me the look because I’m on vacation at Dollywood and I’m typing on this stupid phone. Be safe. Double condescension stare in the general direction of question askers. :slight_smile:

Also, I’m not a rocket lawyer, but im pretty sure if someone fed this forum into a google machine, it would say there is a positive correlation between the amount of cursing here, and the ‘advice bombs’ you occasionally drop.

So which one do you want? A G-rated forum, or a place to try out your Don Rickles impersonation material, for the yearly talent show down by the paper mill?



Well played. But the point is you learn on your own. Not by asking questions. There was no internet around in my researching days, it was strip a pallet with 6 different products to see what worked. Call up Mark with Superior power washing. I paid him to ride with his guys and watch. I liked Red Skelton better.

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Now back to vacation mode. Be safe. Stay hydrated.

Red Skelton. Dont hear that name often. He could give Otis a run for his money in the town drunk category.

Haha, I promise you that what goes on on this forum is infinitely more interesting than anything that happens at Dollywood! Been there three times and every day is torture listening to Parton songs. :zipper_mouth: it’s like being trapped in a Hee Haw nightmare and never waking up. Country bumpkins gone wild.

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You hush before that dear, sweet Dolly hears you. We are on trip about 7 lol. I love the little white clapboard chapel. Why am I up at midnight on this stupid site? Poor son crashed in his sleep and I’m scrounging for granola bars. Diabetes is a wicked thing for anyone, especially your son

Look I understand I asked a question that seems very simple to you and most people here. I come here because you guys are experts and I’d rather pick your brains and learn from you than get to a job and have to leave with my head down over foolish mistakes. I’ll take the sarcasm along with the legit information as long as I can learn here before making a mistake on my own and losing money.

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Nothing wrong with making mistakes and losing money happens to all of us. You’ll be fine.

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There’s also nothing wrong with asking questions. It’s an excellent way to limit making mistakes and losing money.


Simple answer is buy as much hose that the hose reels within your budget will hold. Then always Keep a spare 50ft fill hose and an extra 25 ft of pressure hose in your toolbox if needed.

I still believe the flux capaciter would cut everyone’s time in half. Lol


I agree. This is definitely the best answer in my opinion. The main hose I use is 186 feet long because every time it blew out I had a section cut off and repaired with new fittings.


Im amazed how so many people blow a hose and then toss it. Everyone should carry hose fittings. Easy fix in the field

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Fixing high pressure hose in the field? I thought it needed to be heat shrunk?

I need to learn how to do this. I carry back ups for just about everything you can imagine, but what if they all go bad? I feel like I’m dancing with the devil when I don’t have backups for my backups and hoses are expensive!

I have the NAPA store fix the bad ones for me. I don’t like the screw on fittings.


I meant water hose

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Napa won’t do it around here. They say it’s a “liability”. Damn liberals ruining everything

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That Harbor Freight flux capacitor keeps blowing my 1.21 jiggawatt fuse.