Contractors Beware

Yeah that precedence is scary crap! This siding issue should have been fought at all cost IMO

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There’s two sides to this coin here that me and Rob talked about in the past. When an insurance company just decides to payout you are most likely going to get hit twice. They can hit you up on the deductible which there doing to Rob on this and there is also a claim listed on your coverage which will most likely cause your insurance to go up for the next few years. Same thing that happens in minor car accidents which is why people dont want to report them and would rather pay them out personally.

Back to Robs case. The insurance company paid out a substantial amount of money on this when it wasn’t Rob’s fault. Rob has multiple business and this will most likely elevate his insurance substantially if this claim shows up.

This is one of the pictures. I hope its visible but the line is moon like shaped. And I think you can see several of them on the pictures.

Heres another

It looks almost like a white circular residue on the shingles. Almost like something dried on them. That certainly is strange.

Just to clarify its not shingles. It is siding. And you are right with the residue. Those marks are all over the house. 2nd floor and all. 2/3 of the house is shaded most of the day if not all day which struck me odd as well with the looks of this.

Do you know if the residue comes off?

You can rub it off with a little wetness but it appears again within seconds.

there seems to be a pattern which tells me its from the factory. That is NOT something that happens from washing

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Take some of your wash mix and rub it in and rinse it off, you will not change a thing. Meaning, if the problem cannot be repeated with your wash, you did not cause the problem

I once got a call back from a customer saying I melted his siding. When I showed up the siding was melted and it was not near the grill. I asked him why the entire house did not melt since it all got the same treatment, he was at a loss for words…

I called him back a few days later after I did some research and as it turns out he had some new high efficiency windows that reflected the sunlight onto that section of the siding causing it to melt. He sat and watched the sun on that side of the house and sure enough that is exactly what happened.


I explained that I did exactly what you said. I even brushed it which I didn’t do originally. That’s what has me ticked off. I seriously have no doubt that this problem was not caused by anything I did.

Let’s say it is a defect, what made it come out?

A defect is usually there from the beginning or something causes it to be exposed. Makes you wonder if there is some kind of laminate on the top layer of the siding that is starting to lift causing it look that way, what if what appears to be residue is actually air bubble under a laminate top coating of plastic?

That has happened in several high end areas near us. They built the homes too close. One house actually caught fire. I always check the siding before we start for things such as this. You never know when someone will be a knucklehead. Or just not educated.

or less

I am not sure where you are going with this?

I mean it could have been Casper whipping his butt on it for all I know…lol. Doesn’t mean I am at fault… or that I agree with what the insurance company did on it. You did see the history they have with just writing checks for warped windows right?

Don’t be so defensive. I am just saying that it could be a membrane type laminate of some type on the outer layer of the siding that could be lifting and what appears to be residue is actually small microscopic bubbles of some sort.

I am not saying you caused it. Anything could have happened after you left.

What was the length of time from when the job was completed until the customer called you back to report an issue. Anything could have happened during that time frame.

You should see all of this vinyl shake siding on the Outer Banks … A lot of it oxidizes bad … I think a lot of it is just a bad product … Thankfully their is not much of it in my area … I think I’m going to decline washing any of it without a waiver …

There is definitely a consistent pattern there, you couldn’t reproduce that if your life depended on it.

I wasn’t being defensive…lol. I spent probably 4-5 months trying to rectify the problem to no avail. Personally it just ****es me off when we pay companies to insure us and they just write checks for something like this. Not sure exactly how long it was…couple months at most.

John D–you are right. even the independent contractor asked me how I got to the top of the siding without scaffolding. She thought we brushed it on because of how much that pattern is uniformed.