Concrete Cleaning

Please quit using my name

Iā€™m glad youā€™re happy.

I looked up C and S pressure washing. They are out of Maryland. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s North of South Boston VA so you need to pick a more Southerly handle for me. I canā€™t be associating with such Yankee rabble lol

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I had to buy a tail light for my trailer today. I got a LED. It cost $7.00 more dollars than the one with the 1157 bulb but I just write that off my taxes. No skin off my back.

When my tail light burns out I buy an new trailer. And a new truck to pull it. I know the CEO of new trucks and trailers and rented a yacht to take him out on San Francisco bay and drank the bottled tears of those me and Robert H talked into buying reclaim equipment.


Real men build their trailers. Nothing like it available on the commercial market.


You guys drive me, really. I want to be as knowledgeable and successful in this industry as some of you guys have become. Not just because I want the $$ but also because I know Iā€™m good at it and have an eye and the desire to do great work. I want to be the best in my area! I am working very very hard to grow my business into something extremely successful. I have a goal of 500k by year three. Next year I will be joining the apartment association so that I can attend the comventions and hopefully gain a bunch of work from them. But I could also see venturing into the garage business. I do live next to one of the largest US cities. At any rate, Iā€™d just like to say thanks for sharing your knowledge and giving guys like me a chance to learn from you. It is sincerely appreciatedā€¦

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I building a trailer for my raft. Does that count?

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Wheels are for weaklings.

Trolls are so strong we just carry our stuff

Watch it their, candidate.

*thereā€¦ :smirk:


[quote=ā€œTim4, post:51, topic:4912ā€] candidate.

I gobbled up the other troll and heā€™s gone, Brah.

''Twas a successful Coup so I ainā€™t no candidateā€‹:rage: :wink:

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Pansy, wimp, wuss, sissy, namby-pamby, etc. are all generally considered acceptable in American ā€˜politeā€™ conversation :slight_smile:

Yikes you lot are confusing. Taking offence at all these non offensive words!

I changed it so I donā€™t unintentionally tread on anyoneā€™s feelings

I thought they were fussing about ā€œainā€™tā€. These dang trolls are always causing trouble. Pops broke his kneecap off all things yesterday and will be leaving New Zealand in a coyple of days to come home. Did you ride up on the sidewalk and take out my Dad?

I can neither confirm nor deny that my tricycle mounted a footpath in Wellington and ran into a man with an American accent.

But if I didā€¦

Russian hackers made me do it.

So it was you. How else did you knoe he yelled with an American accent?

Boy, this troll donā€™t play!! Get on his bad side and he takes out family members! Pretty soon weā€™ll all be getting bills for ā€œprotectionā€ services. :cold_sweat:

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